This guide outlines the rules and processes for writing content on It includes:

This guide is a beta version and will be updated as feedback is gathered.

Purpose of

It ensures that public health content and staff content do not get mixed up with this content that explains how the HSE works as an organisation.

Useful documentation

How to use Wagtail content management system (CMS)

Use Wagtail CMS to publish on We have guidelines to help you. If you need help or have any questions about how to publish on Wagtail, email [email protected]

Wagtail user guide

User needs bank

User needs are the requirements, desires or expectations a person has when they come to These user needs were defined through workshops, content audits, surveys and interviews. This bank is a log of all the needs for, broken down section by section. It helps us to make sure that people can easily find the information they want and expect on and avoid any confusion. The user needs bank is a useful tool when deciding if a piece of content belongs on, and for spotting any missing pieces in the content.

View the user needs bank