News is created within the Wagtail instance. When logging into the Wagtail instance, you will be presented with the dashboard, navigate to Pages and click News at the top of the slide in panel

From here you will be adding a page to the News Listing Page (you will not have to make or access this News Listing Page as part of content creation).

Click the 3 dots to present the action menu and click Add child page

You will then be creating a News Content Page


The News Content Page is specifically designed for a news article. The CMS content model consists of a number of core fields that are required to be populated and some that are not:

CMS Field Name Required
Title Yes
Short description (160 characters) No
Published date Yes
Health region Yes / No
News type Yes
News content Yes

Within the Promote tab there is a minimum number of fields to be filled for SEO enrichment:

SEO Field Name Required
Title tag Yes
Meta description Yes
Categories Yes

Steps to create a News article

  1. Add news article title
  2. If a short description exists, optionally add
  3. Set the date the news article was first published on
  4. If the news article is owned by a health region, select all that apply from the list
  5. Select the type of News from the dropdown (only 1 applies - press release)